Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life as a 2-3 month old

Tummy Time
Playing with my rattle
Eating my fingers
Playing with Daddy

And of course, smiling.

Blessing outfit

These pictures were taken a week after Peter's blessing. A lady in the ward gave us this way cute outfit which we used at his blessing.

Butterfly Show

Tim, Peter, and I went to a butterfly show at a place called Krohn's Conservatory in Eden park here in Cincinnati about a month ago at the beginning of May. Here are some pictures.

At first this butterfly looked like a leaf. (I think it was sleeping here on the tree.) When I wriggled the leaf it would open it's wings for an instant, just barely enough time to take a picture of it's bright colors.

There was a cage with a lot of butterflies in it, excellent for picture taking. There was a ton of butterflies flying outside of the cage as well.

This is a real clock just outside the conservatory. Pretty cool, huh.